In the late 1970s, toy company Mattel produced a series of toys based on licensed Japanese robots from anime and tokusatsu. The Shogun Warriors were Mazinger, Raideen, Drogun, Combattra, Dangard Ace and others. There was even a comic book series about the Shogun Warriors produced by Marvel Comics.Mattel also produced two Shogun toys based on monsters: Godzilla and Rodan. Being huge Godzilla fans, my brother and I both had our own Shogun Godzilla. And looking back it was a very ugly interpretation of our favorite Kaiju. And his atomic breath was represented by this very sad Flicking fire tongue. But something about it captured our imagination and we remember this toy very fondly. Today as a warm up, I drew the toy and emailed it to my brother to say “remember this?”Thought I would share it with you as well. Makes a pretty good wallpaper for your phone too 🙂
Anyone remember the Shogun Warriors?Â