How to Draw Table Titans: Part 2

Here’s the second page of layouts for the currently unfinished How to Draw Table Titans book. Now that I have some distance between now and when I wrote and drew this, I can see it had some merit. I need to finish this book one day.

The last page of this series threw me. I’ve never really thought about how I draw hair and I didn’t know how to explain it. I’ve seen several other tutorials that approach it as it’s written here. But I stopped halfway through because this wasn’t my instruction. It was instruction I got from other sources.

But then I thought…well, all of what I know is instruction I got from another source. So what’s the problem. Then my head started to hurt and I quit.

That’s a truth about art and life that you should tuck into a pocket for later: Most people don’t fail. They quit.

Don’t be like me. Don’t quit.