Hello Patrons!
I was talking to my old friend Brad Guigar (check out his patreon here ) about what I can do to better serve my patrons. How can I make it worth their time and money to support us?
“I can tell you but you’re not going to like it.” He said. “Exclusive content. Make them an extra comic.”
So, here we go. A brand new once a week comic about Scratch and Kirby solving crimes. I’m going to be doing it in black and white for a couple reasons, one of which is that it takes less time.
The other reason is that I miss black and white comics. I miss the aesthetic and the creative muscles you get to stretch to make compelling looking comics. Spot blacks that anchor the panel and pop your characters forward, etc.
Thursday seems like as good a day as any for our new feature. So be sure to come back every Thursday for a new Scratch & Sniff comic.