State of the Pate(reon)

Hey kids! Things have been pretty crazy here at Toonhound Studio with Gen Con and PAX West happening almost back-to-back. But convention season 2016 is now closed and there’s nothing but blue sky ahead of us (except for here in the PNW, it’s grey).

For people in the $10 and up tier we’re going to be private streaming for you soon (time and date will go up early next week), and our first two PvP gift baskets for $25 and up are on their way out of the warehouse and you’ll be receiving tracking emails about them today or tomorrow.

 In the meantime, I wanted to share with you some sketches I’ve been working on. I’m working on a design for a character in Table Titans. A gnome named Wurzel. Since we’re creating our own campaign setting over at Table Titans, I’m trying to decide what Gnomes look like in our world. In fact, we’re not calling them Gnomes. We’re calling them Boden (which is the German word for “ground.” The Boden are forest dwellers who are very connected to nature, and the magic that has seeped through the veil. They love the dirt and tend to be druids and rangers. Their magic is nature magic.Here are some of the sketches from my journey of designing the boden. You can see how many different approaches I’ve tried. I think I’ve decided on a direction to go with for Wurzel. Which do YOU like the best?