That Time I Wrote and Drew a Ms. Marvel story.

Ms. Marvel is in the spotlight right now because of the excellent Disney+ show that’s currently streaming. But did you know that there was a time I was asked to write and draw a five-page Ms. Marvel story?

G. Willow Wilson was writing an Avengers Annual that included a section where Kamala was reading fan fiction about herself online. Each story would be written by a different creative team and I was asked to do one.

It was a silly story, but a ton of fun to write and draw. Ms. Marvel is such a cool-looking hero, especially with her stretchy powers. I even managed to complete the whole job without any terrible imposter syndrome sneaking in to ruin my good time.

Another cool thing about this story is that in the comic, the fan fiction Kamala is reading is listed on her computer screen. So my name is on her monitor as the creator of this particular fan fiction she’s reading. Thus, there is a Scott Kurtz in the Marvel 616 universe. Which is pretty rad.

I’ve done two other Marvel jobs in my career. A backup story for Agents of Atlas and a variant cover for Pet Avengers.

Bucket-list stuff for sure!