How to Draw Table Titans

Some time ago I had an idea to write an instructional art book on how to draw Dungeons & Dragons characters. It would be called “How to draw Table Titans.” and it would cover all of the basic classes and cultures of Dungeons & Dragons.

Work on the book stalled because got very hung up on how to present the lessons and I got an almost crippling case of imposter syndrome. I didn’t feel worthy of being anyone’s teacher.

Have you ever tried to give someone driving directions and realized that you know the way only by personal landmarks and muscle memory, but don’t know any of the street names to help them get to the same destination. This was how I felt about making this book. So I put it aside.

I will return to this eventually. And I thought it would be fun to at least post here, some of the material I was putting together for it.

Here are the layouts for the first four pages. My plan was to make it more like a comic book than a traditional art-instruction book. I still think that’s a fun idea.

Would you like to see this book completed one day? Let me know in the comments below.